Brown Egg
Brown Egg – the most commonly found table eggs in Malaysia’s market. It could be simply recognised through its brown-coloured shell and yellow-coloured yolk!
TPC Group uses “Lohmann Brown” breed, one of the top layer breeds in the world. To ensure we provide high quality table eggs at all time, we have adopted a fully integrated business process. From production of the feeds to eggs handling, the business processes are 100% controlled and monitored internally.
TPC’s eggs are produced fresh from farm and sent directly to the grading stores. These eggs are graded, ranging from Grade AA to Grade F, and eventually marketed through wholesalers as fresh in shell eggs.

Sandy Egg
Our premium table eggs, Sandy Egg. It could be easily distinguished by its creamy-coloured egg shell and its orange-coloured yolk.
These eggs are named Sandy by the reason of their breed, “Lohmann Sandy”. It has been renowned as “Kampung egg” in the market. In contrast to the Brown Eggs, Sandy Eggs are laid by premium layer breed that are fed with premium feeds. Hence, the eggs will contain better nutrition.

Omega Egg
With special formulated diet on feeds, the eggs were enriched with Omega-3 fatty acid which is good for human health. Many studies have shown that the intake of Omega-3 fatty acid will help on the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
Benefits of Omega-3 fatty acid against human health:
- Lowering cholesterol level
- Lowering the risk of getting heart-attack and stroke
- Lowering blood pressure
- Cancer prevention

Liquid Egg
Liquid Eggs are the mixture of egg white and yolks. Our Liquid Eggs are pasteurized and processed with high standard and quality of production facility. The pasteurization process is to assure the liquid eggs are free of salmonella contamination, which could prolong the shelf life. Liquid Eggs are widely used in the food industries like confectioneries and bakeries. It creates convenience for businesses that required big amount of eggs on their production.
TPC’s Liquid Eggs are available in a pack of 20Kg. To ensure the greatest freshness and hygiene, the eggs will be stored in cool room and delivered on the next day. We have received Halal certificate for the liquid eggs.

TPC produces high quality of feed that are carefully formulated and mixed to cater the needs of the chickens at different growing stage.
Every single step in the production is strictly monitored and required to comply with food safety guidelines. High quality of raw materials and advanced production equipment are cautiously selected to ensure the feeds produced are always in the best quality.